Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Visual Studies Department Exhibition Celebrates Collaborative Creative Processes / 嶺南大學舉辦「憑空而來」畫展

Lingnan University’s Department of Visual Studies has organized a one-month painting exhibition, titled Out of Thin Air – collaborative and solo work, which opened on 27 February 2010. The artworks showcased in the exhibition are by Assistant Professor Dr Carol Archer, and produced either individually or in collaboration with artist-partners. The works in the exhibition are selected from two ongoing series, Reciprocal Interference and Time with the Sky.

The Reciprocal Interference series comprises collaborative artworks by Dr Archer and five artist-friends: Ms Sue Rawlinson, Ms Sue Taylor, Ms Johanna Trainor (Australia), Ms Mary Grehan (Ireland) and Ms Even Mak (Hong Kong). Reciprocal Interference works-in-progress were airmailed between collaborating partners in Hong Kong, Macao, Australia and Ireland. The most recent phase of the project includes a series of postcard-works by Ms Taylor and Dr Archer. The Time with the Sky series of charcoal and watercolour drawings were begun during Dr Archer’s residency in Australia in 2009. They were inspired by the big Australian sky and the eucalypts that stretch up toward it. Solo works, these drawings are destined to contribute to a cross-disciplinary collaboration with poet Dr Christopher (Kit) Kelen.
“But the exhibition title Out of Thin Air is also ironically intended,” Archer comments, “because seemingly unpredictable aspects of the two series are in fact the result of sustained thought, effort and dialogue, as well as conducive circumstances.”

Dr Archer has been teaching in the Visual Studies Department at Lingnan University since 2007. She has shown her work in twelve solo exhibitions and over 30 group exhibitions held in Australia, Japan, Italy, China, Hong Kong and Macao.

Out of Thin Air – collaborative and solo work will be shown in Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou from 30 April – 13 May 2010 as part of the Visual Studies Department’s ‘travelling exhibitions’ initiative funded by the Lingnan Foundation.


「互涉」是區博士與5位藝術家友人包括Sue Rawlinson女士、Sue Taylor女士、Johanna Trainor女士(澳洲)、Mary Grehan女士(愛爾蘭)及 Even Mak女士(香港) 正在進行的合作系列,這系列的作品涉及五位藝術家在香港、澳門、澳洲及愛爾蘭之間的郵遞互傳。是次展出的是區博士與Taylor 合作的名信片作品。
「與天共度的時光」則是區氏2009年在澳洲居住期間創作的炭筆及水彩繪畫,靈感源自澳洲廣闊的天空及伸展向天空的桉樹。系列是為畫家與詩人Christopher Kelen將會合作的跨媒介創作的一個嘗試,畫作可獨立來看,亦可與詩人的詩一起閱讀。
區博士說:「畫展的題目 - 憑空而來 – 卻是諷刺的特意點題,兩個系列的創作過程以乎無法預計,卻是持續不斷的思巧、努力及對話的成果。」


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